Village of Lac La Belle boat Officers patrol Okauchee Lake, Lac La Belle Lake and Ashippun Lake with 3 patrol boats during the spring and summer months and work closely with the WI Department of Natural Resources.
Okauchee Lake is a 1210 acre lake located in Waukesha County. It has a maximum depth of 90 feet. Visitors have access to the lake from 2 different public boat landings within the town.
Chief Kristen Wraalstad is the Boat Patrol Coordinator and is responsible for the administration, and application of our boat patrol.
Lac La Belle is a 1154 acre Lake. It has a maximum depth of 45 feet. Visitors have access to the lake from the public boat landing located in the City of Oconomowoc.
Ashippun Lake is a 94 acre Lake. It has a maximum depth of 35 feet. Visitors have access to the lake from a public boat landing located in the Village of Lac La Belle off of McMahon Rd.
The goal of the Boat Patrol Unit is to promote safety for all residents and visitors enjoying Okauchee Lake, Lac La Belle Lake, and Ashippun Lake. This is done through personal contact, education and safety inspections. If you have any questions for our Boat Patrol staff you can contact Officer Andrew Williams
Village of Lac La Belle Police Department
W359 N6812 Brown Street Oconomowoc, WI 53066US
Phone: (920) 474-4812 Dispatch: (262) 446-5070